A board game where you become a sophisticated and peculiar necromancer and use your unique magic powers to reanimate a dinosaur fossil!
If this sounds amazing to you, it’s because IT IS.
But it doesn’t end there, because you are not the only one: other necromancers have also reanimated their own dinosaur servants.
Obviously, there’s only one course of action: fight until your dinosaur servant is the last one standing, crowning you as the mightiest necrodinomancer to ever exist!
Do you own Tabletop Simulator on Steam?
Because if you do, you can play Necrodinomancer RIGHT NOW with your friends!
<aside> 🚧 Well maybe not RIGHT NOW. We’re currently uploading everything to TTS and setting things up. Just hang in there! 😃
You can’t play without the game elements.
So first go to the following link and follow the instruction to print the board, cards, and all the assets you need to play Necrodinomancer.
🗺️ Necrodinomancer: Game Elements
Ok so now that you’ve printed everything (you DID print everything, right?), you’ll need the rulebook.
No need to print this one if you don’t want to. You can always go back to this page and find the most updated rules. If I ever update them, that is.
Notice that you also printed a Cheat Sheet so you can always have a quick guide on the game’s basic elements.
You’re welcome.